2014: February 25-27: BONUS Soils2Sea Kick-off meeting, Copenhagen
June 3-4: 5th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) + 16th Baltic Development Forum Summit, Turku
August 26-27: Kick-off meeting of the BONUS Projects starting in 2014, Riga
September 8-9: BONUS Soils2Sea Project meeting, Stockholm
2015:March 23-24: BONUS Soils2Sea Project meeting, Norsminde, Denmark
September 30 - October 2: BONUS Soils2sea project meeting, Kraków, Poland
April 26-28: BONUS Soils2Sea Project meeting, Kaliningrad, Russia
September 15-16: BONUS Soils2Sea project meeting, Norrköping, Sweden
2017: May 17-19: Regional stakeholder meeting and BONUS Soils2Sea project meeting, Berlin
October 11: Future governance approaches for reducing excess nutrients at regional scale - Upscaling Workshop. Göteborg, Sweden
2018:March 14-16: BONUS BALTICAPP, GO4BALTIC, MIRACLE AND SOILS2SEA Projects' end conference "Sustainable ecosystem governance of the Baltic Sea region under changing climate and land use", Gdansk
Conference First Announcement download here
Conference homepage
Conference Report (program, abstracts, participants) download here